What is opengl32.dll and why does vr chat not like it

I am trying to play for the first time but whenever i open it it crashes and says 0xc00007b and says opengl32.dll is an untrusted file system

Maybe you had an antivirus that triggered and removed a file ? or you could have a corrupted installation. Use steam to verify the files locally, see if it helps

wont work. still crashes. should i completly disable windows defender?

Is windows defender complaining, or eac?

Disabling windows defender is probably a bad idea. Try and find your opengl32.dll, maybe in windows system32? Throw it at virus total, or otherwise inspect it.

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Definitely not.

Maybe your graphics drivers aren’t up to date? Opengl be a library for 3d rendering.

I just want to add that on my PC, C:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll is provided by microsoft.

Virustotal for my opengl32.dll

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