"Switching to Android:AndroidPlayer is disabled" Error persists despite having installed the corresponding support modules for 2022.3.6f1

Been expirimenting with the SDK (on Unity 2022.3.6f1) and everything has been mostly smooth other than the fact that compiling worlds and even avatars into Android/Quest build always runs into a dead end as I get an error saying that my Android build support is disabled.

This issue persists despite having installed the correlating package for Android support. I’ve also read some of the other topics, and those are either for a different Unity version or haven’t been fully resolved.

Ive gone to uninstalling Unity, reinstalling the Android packages, and the issue still happens.

If there is a proper way to get logs, I can definitely try to get any I can to help.

Any help for me is very appreciated :3

If you’ve got the spare disk space you could also try 2022.3.22f1

Just for curiousity, check and see if Android is an option under File → Build Settings

I forgot to say but I did update to that specific version last night and for some reason everything worked flawlessly. Let a lesson be learned to always update your software.