Problems are preventing the update of my world

I’m trying to get a feel for what a) people are doing and b) what VRC recommends that people do when there are showstopping bugs introduced with the latest SDK updates.

I can’t tell if I’m supposed to report it, wait 30 days for a fix, rollback a version or anything else. Seemingly some sort of “recommendation” could accompany at least some of the bugs reported.

Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUI
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_InvokeTickEvents ()
Import Error Code:(4)
Message: Build asset version error: packages/com.vrchat.base/integrations/oculusspatializer/audiopluginoculusspatializer.bundle in SourceAssetDB has modification time of '2024-06-27T03:55:18.8936451Z' while content on disk has modification time of '2024-06-27T15:02:26.105651Z'
An infinite import loop has been detected. The following Assets were imported multiple times, but no changes to them have been detected. Please check if any custom code is trying to import them:
Packages/com.vrchat.base/Integrations/OculusSpatializer/AudioPluginOculusSpatializer.bundle - (Force Reimport)(modified date 2024-06-27T15:02:26.105651Z)
[<color=orange>Always</color>] Failed to assign network IDs, 2 errors encountered!
Try using the Network ID Utility to resolve them.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
VRC.Core.Logger:LogError (string,VRC.Core.DebugLevel,UnityEngine.Object)
AssignSceneNetworkIDs:OnPreprocessScene (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)
VRC.SDKBase.Editor.BuildPipeline.VRCBuildPipelineCallbacks:OnPreprocessScene (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldAssetExporter:ExportCurrentSceneResource (bool,System.Action`1<string>,System.Action`1<object>)
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldBuilder:ExportSceneResourceInternal (bool)
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldBuilder:ExportSceneResource ()
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldBuilder:ExportSceneResourceAndRun ()
VRC.SDK3.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelWorldBuilder/<Build>d__114:MoveNext () (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.worlds/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3/VRCSdkControlPanelWorldBuilder.cs:2153)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()
The VRCSDK build was aborted because the IVRCSDKPreprocessSceneCallback 'AssignSceneNetworkIDs' reported a failure.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
VRC.SDKBase.Editor.BuildPipeline.VRCBuildPipelineCallbacks:OnPreprocessScene (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldAssetExporter:ExportCurrentSceneResource (bool,System.Action`1<string>,System.Action`1<object>)
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldBuilder:ExportSceneResourceInternal (bool)
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldBuilder:ExportSceneResource ()
VRC.SDK3.Editor.Builder.VRCWorldBuilder:ExportSceneResourceAndRun ()
VRC.SDK3.Editor.VRCSdkControlPanelWorldBuilder/<Build>d__114:MoveNext () (at ./Packages/com.vrchat.worlds/Editor/VRCSDK/SDK3/VRCSdkControlPanelWorldBuilder.cs:2153)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

** 1. I cannot run using ClientSim as the current SDK / ClientSim appears to have a problem with the Input.GetKey methods. And I get these errors when building a test version. Despite the appearance that the build was aborted it actually does run.**

And finally… I’ll test it again but my live world was not built using the latest version and as far as I can tell the Input.GetKey methods have a problem there all of a sudden. This happened on an earlier version (months ago) where the thumbstick down event wasn’t working. It was fixed but I am 99% certain that it is broken again.

I also tried (a couple of times) to update to the recommended version of Unity (see the image above) and there were several errors that appeared to be out of my control.

Is anyone using (and did they upgrade) to this Unity version? Are you using the latest SDK? Thanks.

For the UDON bugs, i won’t be able to help, sorry, bug got a few links for bug reports

I’d say reporting is always best in the wait of a fix. Maybe add the sdk3 or vcc tag to the post so they could see it.

I know it’s not easy as they receive bug reports from many places, there is also their project Github page at Issues · vrchat-community/creator-companion · GitHub

And there is also the main feedback page from vrchat dedicated to the project at Creator Companion | VRChat

Finally, bug that’s an opinionated solution and that’s not endorced by VRChat, you may try to use the ALCOM Project, it’s a VCC Alternative developped by the community ALCOM: a crossplatform fast open-source unofficial Creator Companion alternative

I appreciate the response but it seems to me that these are the types of issues that can benefit from a discussion.

Primarily I wondered if anyone is using the latest SDK without issue. I see postings about the Input methods but as I mentioned this isn’t the first time this has happened AND this isn’t the sort of thing one can “just wait around” for. If inputs have stopped working it is a serious problem. One that (if it were my library) I would be forced to issue an emergency patch to remedy (if it could be patched) or the update needs to be taken down or possibly (but the worst alternative) a warning that inputs don’t work.

If I broke my client’s apps with my library (or in the case of the company’s I consulted for) broke their ability to continue development of their products/tools I’d have to take steps to remedy things.

So, has anyone else seen an issue with the OculusSpatializer? I’m not importing it directly perhaps it occurs as a result of using some component in vrchat.base but surely nobody expects each of us to hunt through the code and come up with a workaround.

I resolved the network IDs by identifying about 8 game components that seemed to have the problem. I replaced them with new ones and that’s that.

The ClientSim issue has similarly been reported (or something close). These aren’t well-written descriptive bug reports and “in progress” doesn’t really mean anything. “Hopefully fixed in the next version” isn’t something that VRC would likely accept from Microsoft and/or Unity if a) things worked and then b) stopped working when one implemented the latest, recommended version.

In any case I’m not furious about it I’m trying to scientifically determine if everyone is getting similar errors, a few people are or it is only me.

I personally didn’t get those issues, but i believe that they are doing Pre Releases of the SDK to allow people to experiment with it and report bugs before pushing it fully. But bugs can always happend. Personally didn’t get errors with the Spatializer.

Well that’s good of course. Alpha and Beta testing is never guaranteed to find all the bugs but generally speaking unit testing and field testing will find the most obvious ones.

So, so far we have “1” no problems and “1” problems. Not quite enough data so hopefully others who have migrated will weigh in.