Recently I’ve been dealing with 2 people abusing the trust&saftey system.
I’ve seen 4 people’s accounts get unjustifiably banned via the users who’ve gotten banned showing me.
The 3rd person hasn’t even been online for a while to my knowledge.
The same person doing this plans on doing this to my account.
The 4th person who got falsely banned told VRChat Trust&Saftey beforehand, and even showed them a video of the person threatening to get their account banned, and the person who was threatening their account to get banned, got banned. But later the person who threatened the user was able to forge evidence and get the 4th person’s account banned.
So here is how it works they make a new account and use Unicode (this is a guess) to make the name exactly like the user’s account, then what they do is they make them do actions that are against TOS Then they report it to VRChat, and Boom they are banned.
I feel like Trust&Saftey can check if they have gone to the world or The recent users they have encountered and the avatar they have worn since you can easily check that on VRCX.
Is there any suggestion on what I should do to protect my account and other users that might be next?
I’ve been trying to find a way to prevent this but as I said Trust&Saftey will not help at all even when a user contacts them or I contact them, even with proof of a threat.
I should mention a side note, one of the users who’s the main person in this whole thing aka doing the framing, I’ve reported them for breaking other TOS stuff with concrete proof, and still nothing.
Other people have reported them as well and the same outcome.
Even someone in the Creator Economy Program reported them due to them constantly breaking TOS in their worlds and still nothing.
They have some weird protection and I don’t understand why.
Update: I believe it might also be some hidden character exploit that works on Unity/VRChat not just regular Unicode letters, I don’t know what it could be but I’m sure VRChat could figure it out.