VRC SDK can not be loaded because of 'Unity.Mathematics'

I am having a similar set of errors, I do not have any issues with cdp.cloud.unity3d.com though. It seems like VRC.SDK3.StringLoading.VRCStringDownload:StartAtCorrectTime isn’t loading correct as well as VRC.Dynamics.MathUtil:DistancePointToPlane. Has anyone fixed this issue? Posting pic of Editor log file:

Exactly some problem as TheDarkHood, after upgrading project through VCC.
Before update I did had SDK on Assets, after update it was moved to packages.

Per VRC web site help here, there yould be some additional steps involved deleting the folders in assest (+meta files) (Which I did not had to do as they were not present anymore)
and then reimport the VRC SDK over the existing one. Did so.

error remain. Dont know what to do.
Tried removing udonsharp via VCC and reinstall it again… no change.
Please help.

Today I accidentally installed another copy of pumpkin tools, so I had one copy sitting in Assets, and another copy installed via VCC. I got the error about UnityMathematics as well as a bunch of errors that were about pumpkin tools.

Just mentioning this because I wasn’t expecting to see that cause a UnityMathematics error

I’ve just had this issue. Here’s how I fixed it:


Error: Could not load signature of VRC.SDK3.StringLoading.VRCStringDownload:StartAtCorrectTime due to: Could not load file or assembly ‘UniTask, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. assembly:UniTask, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type: member:(null) signature:
Error: Could not load signature of VRC.Dynamics.MathUtil:DistancePointToPlane due to: Could not load file or assembly ‘Unity.Mathematics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ or one of its dependencies. assembly:Unity.Mathematics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type: member:(null) signature:

How I fixed it:

  • Close the Unity Editor.
  • Temporarily create a new VCC project from one of the templates that matches the project type (Worlds, Udon, or Avatars).
  • In that newly created project, go to Library\ScriptAssemblies\ and copy all the files in that folder.
  • In your original project, go to Library\ScriptAssemblies\ and paste all the files into that folder.
  • Start the original project

Thank you so much Hai, your solution was the only thing that worked for me. <3

I tried using every solution but it didn’t work, it just still gave me errors. I tried everything, updating packages, using project template repos, reimporting everything, restarting unity, checking the packages and copying the script assemblies, what do I do? Please help!

FYI I had the same issue. Copying the Library/ScriptAssemblies folder from a good project did not fix things for some reason. I instead deleted the whole Library folder and then opened the project. Unity re-installed the now missing packages and it looks like things opened back up ok, I just had to re-open the scene I was working on.

Hi @founta! Thanks for posting your solution.

Out of curiosity - we you using Unity 2019 or 2022?

I was using unity 2022.

I said “the same issue”, but the error I got was complaining about the “unity.rider.editor.dll” file when I tried to open the project. It gave me a few choices (enter safe mode, ignore the error and open the project anyways, or quit unity) and if I ignored the error, the project would still open up but the vrchat SDK was non-functional (the control panel did not appear and there were errors in the console mentioning what I assume were classes or whatnot in the broken DLL)

I’m getting similar errors as well. Tried all of the “fixes” mentioned here. It’s simply impossible to upgrade my projects to 2022. All the errors are coming from the VRC SDK.

me and a friend did a temporarily solution, she started a Virtual machin with a fresh windows copy and installed companion app and unity in it and that gave no errors, she now can work with her projects.

I got a feeling some deep cleaning could be needed for some or reinstall of windows if uninstalling / reinstalling/updating all components that unity uses to even run on windows like .net’s etc what unity require to run.
(dont ask me what it needs to run, I have no idea)
That is just a feeling as last resort.

Show more of the colorful half of those errors and warnings, the bottom section is useful only to programmers.

Sorry to necro this old post, but I always see this post when I google this issue, usually when I forget what I do to fix my issue after not having created a new project for a few months.
I have this issue with every new project I create. The fix for me is to go into the package manager, and under packages at the top left click that dropdown switch to Unity Registry. Search for the Burst package, and update it!
It always automatically installs 1.8.12 (iirc), and I just have to click over to version history and click update on 1.8.18 (or whatever the newest version is for you, as of writing this the latest version is 1.8.18). After it finishes, my issues with this are resolved.
Hope that is able to help someone that might have the same issues as me.

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Thanks for the update.

Nothing wrong with ressurecting an old thread with some new information. Where I get annoyed is people saying they have the same error, and its a mystery.