Every time I try to upload this one avi I get the same two errors and I have no idea how to fix them. I’ve been told it’s an error with the sdk but I have yet to find a solution for it, does anyone know how to fix it or have any ideas that may lead to fixing it?
Same issue here, happened recently
I managed to fix it, log out of VRChat SDK, restart and reopen the project, detach blueprint ID, log back in and it should work.
The issue keeps coming back, I think there’s an issue with detaching the blueprint ID. And so far the only workaround is to detach, logout and restart unity a couple times before logging back in to upload. Editing the name or description to an already Uploaded avatar also gives the same error.
I just fixed my issue, I had the exact same issue, I switched from IPV6 and IPV4 to just IPV4 internet connection and it worked
to do this if you are on windows
(window key) + R
type “ncpa.cpl”
right click your internet connection and select properties
Uncheck “Internet protocol Version 6”
reset unity
that fixed my issue
Just some unsolicited advice, if you do disable ipv6 on your windows PC, please note down when and why.
I wonder if the VRChat SDK should include tech to test for a working ipv6 connection
For an internet connection where turning off ipv6 works, I’m curious what https://test-ipv6.com/ says if ipv6 is turned back on. @max_flares do you by any chance have another pc that still has ipv6 enabled?