Random Vrchat stutters for seemingly no reason

ive been playing vr vrchat for half a decade now and part of that was on a potato gaming laptop with a 1060 and this had never happened until recently. This had been a reoccuring problem for probably over a year now. Out of the blue for seemingly no reason with no specific trigger vrchat will start having these stutters that make it unplayable in vr and on desktop.

whenever i start up vrchat just sitting in my homeworld not moving on desktop by myself my screen will stutter and lag every few seconds to a minute and then return to around 60 FPS. it happens in vr aswell. trying to force click through a stutter crashes the game (vrchat.exe is not responding). the performance of vrchat is unchanged from how it usually does besides those stutters that happen regardless what world im in and if im alone or with others. my avatar safety settings are always maxed out too.

ive tried:
-reinstalling steam, steamvr and vrchat
-clearing cache
-verifying game files integrity
-setting vrchat on high priority
-updating drivers and other tips and whatevermabobs ive seen on other threads with similar issues and friends trying to troubleshoot with me for like 3 hours all to no avail

this problem randomly appears and dissapears just as randomly. i will literally play the day before perfectly fine like any other day and the next day its a stutterfest and after a while of not being able to play it just goes back to how it was and i dont know why. its extremely frustrating because i cannot play the game for weeks at a time until it just decides to work again.

heres my pc:

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.59 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060Ti
16.0 GB RAM
ive had this pc for nearing 2 years so its still pretty new
my current headset is an about 6 month old quest pro

when taking a look at the task manager while just idling on desktop in my homeworld my GPU will drop from around 20% to 0% when the stutters happen. i dont know jack shit about PCs for im just a girl in the world so i have no clue what it means but it must mean something.

alot off the advice ive seen on threads with similar issues did not work for me so if anyone with computer smarts has the time to spare id love to be able to take a deeper look into this issue in private rather than trying to communicate through this thread.


There are a lot of reasons that VRChat could be running poorly on a day to day basis, but it also depends on:

  • the worlds you’re in
  • number of players
  • your VRC settings
  • type of avatars being used

I was in an 80 player instance last night, and having a decent PC, I was still getting GPU under-utilization below 70%. My guess is VRChat is just not making use of the hardware. Could be wrong on that front.

Now, I use VirtualDesktop wirelessly to connect my Quest Pro to my PC. YMMV with whatever app you use to connect headset to PC, as well as PC hardware.

Let me know if you’d want further correspondence to this issue. I love helping others out with whatever performance issues they may be having as it could either be just the game, the PCVR app, hardware or other things.

its none of the points u listed as i made sure to mention the stutters happen even when im alone in my homeworld and my safety settings are always on max. i also use virtual desktop.

on another note, i did figure out my computer simply needed a good old dusting as the gpu fan was clogged with dust and it seems to be running fine again. thx for the reply tho

anyone else having the same issue with seemingly no fix working, consider checking the dust in your pc lolz

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does the same and i have a really high end system it just crashes for no reason at all or lags spikes fps drops really bad in public worlds