Greetings! I’ve been encountering issues with my Pc lately. 3 days ago i got a new vr headset. Before buying i made sure to check if my gaming Laptop can handle it and everything worked perfectly fine until yesterday. While i was playing my Laptop suddenly restarted itself. When i unlocked it my desktop was completely rearanged and the option to change my screen brigness is completely gone. Not only that but my computer is suddenly struggeling really hard to run vr chat in vr and desktop mode and i just Don’t know why. I’ve tried everything in the book to try and fix it and my friend advised me to come and ask here.
Details about my laptop:
- 16Gb ram
- 1 TB GeForce RTX 4060
- 7940HX Prozessor
- 1T SSD
My new headset:
Vive Focus vision with a display port and full face tracking
Programms i have running in the background while playing:
- Face tracking app
- Vive hub
- steam vr
The things i’ve already tried:
- uninstalling steamVr and VrChat
- clearing disc space
- Uninstalling, reinstalling and updating my gaphic driver (i hope that’s the right word)
- puting vr chat on high priority for my gpu
- testing for corrupted files
- lowering graphics in the game itself
- putting my gpu on high performance
- making sure no programm, like Spotify or my internet browser, runs in the background
- Completely cleaning it from Dust
Thats all i’ve tried so far. Everything else on my computer runs very smooth like always but not with vr chat. Thank you all for reading. I apreciate any help i can get.