Outfit Toggle expressions and Lipsync not working on avatar after I port it

So, here’s the rundown: recently, I’ve been building, texturing, and rigging a model to port into VR Chat through the Unity creator companion with toggle expressions to shift through the different outfits my character would wear. The first time I was programming the animation loops, parameters, and menus. For some reason, after I managed to port it into VR chat, The Expressions don’t work; all the layers are combined into the forefront. I need help programming certain parts of my mesh (there are loose parts) to activate and turn off for each expression I shift into. I looked at the Vrccc control panel, and it’s saying I have god knows how many errors, and I don’t know how to fix it; there are mesh standard not found errors, pixel errors like wtf?
My ultimate goal is to achieve this effect with my VR Chat model.

And to add to that, my lipsync blend shapes weren’t working, I’ve configured it in the avatar definitions and they’re not working. So I need some help.

Yeah, turns out I didn’t have certain blend shapes that vrc recommends and I didn’t put my menu and parameters in the descriptors.