So I used to have a problem where whenever I get to login through my account it would go black screen and not even show the loading to the world.
I did the usual fixes like clearing cache, verifying integrity of files, reinstalling the game and even deleting the regedit files for it. However I found out, that my ISP was having a problem at that time, and I just had to wait for them to fix the servers.
So with that in mind, I go back in game, everything working fine when I realize some avatars don’t have their expressions showing up. They used to work before I did those fixes. Some avatars have their expressions working while some certain ones don’t.
I think it had something to do with the regedit files as when I tried to delete them again, verify the game files, some of the avatars expression menus were restored, but some avatars still don’t have their expressions menu. I tested it with friends, they can see the expressions and use them, even SEE the expression effects ON ME. It’s like my game blocked the certain avatars expressions. I genuinely have no idea how to fix it and I’m too afraid of messing too much with the regedit files as I feel that’s what caused it in the first place.