Non-Steam desktop version

Is there any way to get VRChat desktop version outside Steam or Oculus? Optionally, is there a way to get certain old version of VRchat bypass certain loading screen loop it always stucks in?

PS. I made account on VRChat, and wish that was enough

I don’t believe that there are any ways to get the game outside of steam or oculus. If you were to obtain an older version of the game you would not be able to see any other players, lest they be on the same version of the game.

You can download the game via Steam, then just launch the VRChat.exe executable directly.

If you’re trying to make sure it doesn’t connect to Steam, make sure Steam is closed before opening VRChat.exe otherwise it will still launch through Steam somehow.


i have a windows 7 and a 10 but its laggy on the windows 10 im trying to download it on there but it wont let me download it on windows 7 without steam helpppp

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You’d still need to download it via Steam or Oculus Store, etc. You just don’t have to launch it through those apps.

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add to that you can use the launch options --no-steam and --no-vr to prevent steam from starting with the game

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a better question is why we have to register accounts with vrchat when it uses other platforms to launch anyways

To allow for cross-platform accounts, and less dependency on third party systems.

VRChat doesn’t require steam to work, you can easily login using your own account. So if steam ever were to go down or massively change their API, you can still use your VRChat account.

Additionally if I wanted to use the same account on a different platform, I don’t need to create an entirely new account and re-upload everything. I can simply use my VRChat account and everything works fine.

Or think of a situation like a VR café. Staff can’t really keep restarting steam each time a user wants to use their own account. So, having users have their own VRChat account which is platform independent is the best approach.

On the flip side as to why VRChat accounts aren’t mandatory? Well, some people only use 1 platform and don’t want to keep track of separate accounts. But, the moment you start creating content there needs to be something to keep track of you cross platforms, hence the account system.

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Other way around is better. Just VRchat account and no Steam

What about downloading VRchat in the first place? I don’t want to go through Steam to get it.

Well, tough luck there.

As listed above, there isn’t really a way to use vrchat once it becomes outdated.
Hence why the developers use Steam and Oculus, since it’s easy to keep the game up-to-date through those platforms without having to build your own patch server/service to keep things up-to-date.

This could change in the future, but don’t hold your breath.

okay I do wish we can go out of steam or oculus but we cant

or can we?
reply to me and I will tell you

Are you saying you know the way to download VRChat outside Steam and Oculus ?

Yes I do

There’s no officially supported way to do this. It might work, if you just pull the files elsewhere, but I have no idea how well it’d work!

Our anti-tamper software (EAC) may also throw a fit if you do this, maybe. unsure.

Since EAC won’t ban you if it fails integrity checks (it’ll just keep you from getting online) try it out and let me know how it goes.

@furrygods21 explain.

steam is going to stop windows 7 support soon

Does eac work on windows 7?