Introductions - sheru

Name: sheru (but some also call me r-sheru or shell)

What I Do in VRChat: I used to take a lot of pictures in VRChat and even won prizes with them. But due to medical conditions I had to severely ramp down my photography activities within VRChat.
These days I’m perhaps better known for my Social VR Consulting. I provide advice/consulting to companies and individual professionals that know nearly nothing about Social VR platforms and are in need of rundown of things happening here. This specifically in areas where the Japanese community is involved.

Why and How I Joined VRChat: Long story short. Based on videos I had seen, I had to conclude that there was a Japanese community active within VRChat. But this confused the hell out of me as I thought that this was not possible. So I joined VRChat in the hope to get a impression of what was going on and perhaps find a small Japanese community. To my surprise there was a very large, vibrant and highly active Japanese community active within VRChat and I spend the majority of my time within VRChat exploring this community.

Favorite VRChat Memory: First moment I found the Japanese community. I joined a random contact I had met the day before and got hot dropped in to a near full instance of Japanese users. My mind was literally blown that day.

Favorite World: Amebient

Picture of my usual avatar:

Why I came to these forums: A German friend of mine accused me of being too focused on the Japanese community, and that I should also pay attention to things that happen in the Western community. Since then I have been adding a second goal : Explore all of VRChat.