Game only renders on CPU. No GPU. 1 FPS

The game sits at 91% CPU utilization, 0% GPU utilization. 1 FPS.

IGPU is disabled in BIOS so that can’t be it.

Is there any way to force a GPU render?
Setting High Performance in Windows Graphics Settings or NVIDIA Control Panel do nothing.

My other games do not suffer this.

maybe check the logs see how far in it gets?

Are you running Desktop mode, or VR mode?

log says

Graphics Device Name: Microsoft Basic Render Driver

as expected

is there any hack to force the GPU choice?

Oh my, basic render driver is what you see when the regular drivers are not installed, or otherwise borked.

You mentioned that the igpu is disabled in bios, is this how the system shipped or is this something you did?

Maybe check dxdiag? See what sort of driver is in use for display 1

dxdiag and every other game display RTX fine.
i turned igpu off myself. No one ships with it disabled on a normal chip.

it’s vrchat that wants to be a special snowflake
Is there some sort of hidden unity engine command or anything to force a GPU?

I think you should turn the igpu back on and see what happens accordingly to VRChat log. Would it still say basic render driver?

Windows itself has a thing for configuring which app gets which GPU. Also maybe check steam for any special launch options

same log.

i tried all the basic hacks already, display options does nothing, all the special options i could find pertaining to vrchat or unity engine do nothing. reinstalling + DDU drivers does nothing.

i’m asking for advanced hacks. But if you don’t know any, oh well. Thanks for your time.

Did dxdiag have any notes on any of the tabs? maybe share a screenshot of the Display 1 tab?

Never mind, I figured it out.

anticheats in strict mode, don’t allow modded drivers. I used nvcleaninstall to install minimal drivers with edits. Turn the experimental edits off. That does mean driver telemetry will be on, unfortunately. I guess switching to AMD, which allows you to turn driver telemetry off in the settings, is an option.

Posted for anyone else who might be getting 1 FPS errors.

Fuck vrchat management for putting easy-anti-cheat on a SOCIAL game. It didn’t even stop the hackers anyway.