Frozen picture when watching videos/movies/series

Hello all :slight_smile:

I hope my first help post fits as I try.

I can’t watch movies/videos/series in worlds and I need to keep the untrusted URLS disabled. In for example LSMedia I can listen to music but can only ever watch maximum one video or similar. If I try to change the video afterwards or just change the world, the picture freezes. According to others, I can still move normally and even talk, but my image is frozen and it helps only the restart of VRChat…

This is of course a pity when I want to watch a few movies with others for example…

The problem I owned earlier with my Rift S but also now with my Index.
Drivers and updates are all up to date.
GPU is the RTX3060 with a Ryzen 7 5800X and 32Gig RAM.
A reinstall with handy delete remnants of VRChat has also so not helped so far.

Another friend of mine also has this problem, but apparently only since the EAC update.

I hope someone knows the solution.


What’s your internet speed like? Behind the scenes when VRChat plays a video from URL, it’s using a program called yt-dlp (a fork of youtube-dl) to download the video and convert it to something that Unity knows how to play.

If it’s a high-resolution video it may take some time for it start the download. This can cause some frame stutters while it’s waiting for the video and starting the encode.

Also if you’ve got VRChat installed to an external/slow hard drive, it can cause some lockups - I have similar problems when jumping to a new world and it starts writing to my external cache drive that has gone to sleep because of no reads/writes in a while.

System specs seem fine otherwise to me though.

Unfortunately, it’s all fit enough. I no longer own any mechanical media. VRChat is on a PCIe 4.0 M.2 and I have a download of 250k and upload of 40k.