First map on VR Chat

Hello! I just had a few questions regarding map creation in VR chat.
Some context before hand; I have the map already made along with experience in unreal engine 4-5. However, I now wish to incorporate some of my stuff into Unity.

My main questions are:

  1. Can I use scripts in the worlds such as; interactive levers, teleports and other non game specific mechanics in a Vr Chat world?
  2. Regarding VR chats ‘Portals’, I’d like to use them to access additional worlds within this hub world. However, I would not like players to be able to access these worlds outside of the Hub world. Ie, joining a friend through the VR chat hud and loading into a world without using the hub world. Is this possible or are all worlds uploaded to VR chat always accessible through the VR chat hud?
  3. What are some core limitations to VR chat worlds regarding their size, mechanics, scripts etc?

Any information around these questions would be much appreciated.

Thanks and hope to hear back from the community!

(Please accept my apologies for my formatting. I’m not familiar with this forum.)

1.) You cannot use scripts from other games without recreating them in VRChats language UDON, you can make teleports and such with it.

2.) you can upload a world as private meaning it wont show up in world lists and can only be found through portals but theres no way to stop invites or joining off friends.

3.) your world should be under 200MB on pc and 100MB for quest.

the only limits to scripting are the limits built into UDON

All VRChat worlds must follow the VRChat Terms of Service and Community Guidelines theres also Creator guidelines.

you might also want to see
VRChat Creator docs
VRChat wiki