Developer Update - 15 September 2022

I absolutley agree.

I Posted in the prev Developer Update about adding the option of Sort By: Date Added in the New avatars menu, i hope you can add this option, it would be quite comfortable and easy to find avatars for those who are used to seeing their list of avatars by upload date

And i find a bug about the “Bloom Intensity”
You can disable the bloom in the Maps, but when you rejoin in a new instance ,the bloom still visible by default as the map brings if you have that in 0%, you need to move again to disable the Bloom, like my picture moving the Bloom from 0% into 5%


Agreed. This has always been my long time gripe with the spot light sections in the old menu too. They were constantly filled with year old worlds, with barely 10% being anything new. The end result is that people quickly learn to just ignore those lists.

Strong priority needs to be given to new content. I would suggest that even a 60 day limit might actually be too long. There’s so many amazing worlds being created every month, that it shouldn’t be hard to keep the list fresh. The trending list has excellent potential to be the go-to place when people want to see something that’s both new and also holding other users attention, and if it’s just listing the same places they visited nearly two months ago, then it fails to fit it’s logical place among the other lists.

Active: Whichever worlds are most active, regardless of age.
Trending: The most active new worlds within a given timeframe.
New: The newest worlds, regardless of activity.

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I hope while you’re working so hard on how this main menu looks and functions you are considering adding an “EVENTS” section, like every other social platform (or at least many). We need a place where we can quickly see what events are happening and where, IN the game menu. This is something sorely missing which I believe as do many others will help VRChat grow as a community and give people something to do rather than random world hopping, or digging through dozens of discord groups, or external websites to find events going on.

Would it be possible to make a setting to turn off the vrchat keyboard when typing into a url/chatbox? I find it more annoying than convenient because I use OVRToolkit to paste urls and type. And not to mention the paste button on the vrchat keyboard doesn’t work for me.

this looks great, can’t wait for the avatar search implementation too!

Personally I have trouble with the icons for copy paste. I don’t have ovrtoolkit, but have a CV 1, and the right side button on the keyboard is paste, and works.

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i think i can speak for all the quest users, it would be nice to be able to copy and past links in video players, without help from any pc players

curently when quest users try it we get (video error retrying)

Please put the “Focus” button back on the camera for us photographers plsss and also a option to make the camera bigger.

third person when? (desktop)

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Are they 6000X series users though? It seems to affect this group which includes myself. I’m stuck with an older AMD GPU driver until this is fixed.

Are the new full body tracking tracker visualizers (The weird cross things that you seen on your feet and waist and knees when you go to calibrate) going to be a permanent change? I preferred the regular white balls much more and I think the new ones are ugly and way too large. Can yall add a setting to toggle it back to the balls? I cant stand those weird cross things with spikes on every axis.

When clicking a friend in the friends menu there is no join button. Only invite or request invite. This feels like the most logical place to have a join button to quickly join your friend.

Agree. This is a funktion I miss very much when testing avatars in desktop

The Main Menu already had an optimization pass, we’re looking into some other issues people are reporting, though.

We just fixed some overlapping issues in 1240, try to repro again if you can.

Without a repro we’re kinda stuck, but we do have at least one lead.

We’re adding “Date Added” in several menus. Didn’t mention it but its in dev.

We’re examining a bunch of stuff regarding Discovery. This Main Menu update was holding back a lot of tasks regarding discovery that we couldn’t really touch until we got it out. It still isn’t out, tho, so we still have some work to do.

Just like basically every other platform on the planet, content discovery is a task that’s never done and we’ll continue to iterate on for basically ever.

Spoken with a spooky voice: GrrrrooooooooooOOOooooooups…

But no, seriously, later versions of Groups will address this.

It’ll be a bit, but it’s on our “we need to figure out how best to do this” task list. :slight_smile:

This is probably because you’re trying to paste YouTube/Twitch etc links into video players on Quest. This won’t work. Quest does not have that capability due to technical limitations.

It wasn’t removed! Grab the icons and scroll them to the right.

We’ve talked about this in previous Dev Updates. tl;dr: We’re probably leaving this particular one up to world authors to decide if they want or not.

We’re talking about AMD CPUs here, not GPUs. Or… were. We were talking about GPUs, but then I got told actually its a CPU issue. But now its a GPU issue again. Why do I smell toast?

No, we have an upcoming change that addresses the spikeys being too spikey.

I’m confused.

When a user is in a world you can access and see, you see Join with no problem.

This is also true for the Quick Menu:

Of course, this is a bit different if the user is in a Private world:

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Any reason you can’t use the Desktop camera for this?

Nevermind, I see the reason that might be annoying. Gestures are blocked on Desktop when the Desktop camera is out. That’s a bug.

Hmm weird that button wasn’t there for me or my friends last time we played. We where all very confused. Must have either been a bug or it got put back in. Okey never mind then

Does the developer team currently have any plans to add accessibility options for people with epilepsy and seizures? Such as having options that would ease of screen shaking and bright lights? Obviously the avatar security system does help, but any other accessibility options would be greatly appreciated! Have a great day!

Please actually address this as soon as possible, I feel like this UI change is the only chance ambitious creators will ever get to have their high quality work seen by the playerbase.
Simply upgrading the Trending/Hot algorithm so that newer worlds rank up more compared to older ones would be very motivating for creators and keep the selection fresh. Ideally make it virtually impossible for 1 year old worlds to even be able to rank up on Trending, there is an “Active” section after all. Its not that you should put worlds with few visits right up there, but the current “Trending/Hot” algorithm even makes it impossible for fresh new worlds with 200 concurrents to be seen there. The first page you see when you click on “Worlds” will have the most impact on discoverability!

The whole way that old ui was structured made people game the system, which is not something a creator should be encouraged to do. It would be a shame if this new ui were just a continuation of that. Perhaps you can realize this with your Launchpad idea in a similar manner, whatever it takes to help motivate creators is appreciated. btw if you like a comprehensive list of methods that were used to game the old ui hit me up on discord. Been there, done some of it, after all.

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