Can only upload on 2019 and not 2022

hello, ive been having this issue for a while and nothing ive seen online has helped. i get an error message that just says “failed to build avatar” but it says nothing in any of the logs as to why its not working. ive turned the id thing off but that did nothing, i tried uploading it with an id ive already used before, but the only thing that let me upload the same model was doing it on the old version of the sdk, the 2019 version.

Are you using the latest version of the sdk with the Creator Companion ?

Also i doubt that no logs would be displayed when you try to build, maybe your editor was on pause or something ?

yup, using the creator companion n everything. redid the scenario to show you the logs, here

Error building player because scripts have compiler errors

First message is the one to pay attention.

It’s quite possible that the compiler errors are showing as warnings in the unity console