Avatar staying in the TPose position in game

Help, I have been having this issue for awhile, I looked at the Base animations and saw that they weren’t there. I am new to unity and coding in general so if I could get some help with this that would be helpful :D

You should be able to click an x on the row with base animations to use a default base layer instead of one provided by you/avatar creator.

Interestingly or confusingly enough, unity has an “avatar” that is used to associate bones with the skeleton frame. It’s attached to the animator at the root of the avatar.

it won’t let me, it is set do the default as the none

None doesn’t mean default, it means none.

For whatever reason additive is missing so I think you should hit the “reset to default” button.

let me see if that fixed it :D

Nope it didn’t work

Is your avatar configured as a humanoid rig?

no but when i do it still says none

Sorry for the late reply.
When you say “it says none”, does that mean that your avatar does not have a humanoid armature? If so, then you might have to custom configure it.