Hello, I am JakeTheWolfo. I have been around since 7/7/22. A little about me is I am a friendly and helpful fur. I love to help people, chill, talk, and host instances. I run and own a world and group called Furry SafeHaven. No, you do not have to be a furry to be a part of my group or anything. All are welcome. I am 23 years old and a gamer, streamer, and very interested in tech and fixing different issues with things from consoles and pc’s to routers exc.
We are a TOS age based group. As long as you are old enough to play the game you are VERY welcome to join us!
We do different things from hosting game world instances, hosting chill instances, and more.
I have been staff for 2 worlds. I resigned from 1 of them, the other, the owner deleted the world and their account. I also have tons of moderation experience with Discord, different game servers, and I have great ideas of a more enjoyable experience.
My ultimate goal for creating my group and world was to bring a safe and fun place for all to enjoy. Free from all the drama, all the hate, and all the harassment. We strive to bring a safe, fun, enjoyable space for all. We also strive to have an organized, professional, and friendly staff team.
I hope to see you all around and that we can have fun together!