Where exactly are user preference settings stored?

I’m using Linux, and every time I downgrade my Proton version, I will lose all of the VRChat configs.
It’s not config.json file, it’s the settings of the game.

I don’t think the setting file is in the steamapps/compatdata/438100/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat/, I backed them up and the settings are still lost after the restore.

My friend found this folder .../users/steamuser/Temp/VRChat/VRChat/, the file amplitude.cache is definitely stores the settings info(it’s a json file, VRChat team loves json).
But it’s a Cache, VRC will try to overwrite this file on every boot. If the file is read-only(400), VRC will throw a permission error into the log and run normally, it’s just a cache.
However, it also proves that VRC uses the cloud to store settings.

so… so…
VRC uses cloud sync settings, but the sync is per session? What’s the sense of that?
Or is amplitude.cache only used for Amplitude Inc to analyze something?

Is there any way to export and import game settings? Or just explanationing this strange behavior?

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It’s in the registry. In Proton:

<Steam Library>/steamapps/compatdata/438100/pfx/drive_c
​system.reg user.reg or userdef.reg

Most of our settings are stored in the Windows registry. Some are stored in the cloud, and relatively few are stored in config.json (which is slowly being depreciated over time)


Good catch, Tupper.

I found a key [Software\\VRChat\\VRChat] in user.reg, that’s in the C:\Users\<username>\NTUSER.DAT hive file in the regular windows system.

There are many UPPERCASE_NAMING, lowerCamelCase, and UpperCamelCase_WithUnderscore subkey names in this entry. A bit messy.

Well. Still thanks for you _(:з」∠)_

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a game using registry to store settings. Even so, can VRChat use Steam Cloud or VRChat’s server to sync these settings?
It’s still a bit annoying that players need to configure once on each PC and headset individually. Haven’t to look the dev update lately, but thought I’d mention it here as well.

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