VRChat World Moderation Guideline Question

Just wondering how this rule works.

In the context, would preemptively mean BEFORE any set-rules were broken by said user?

Unsure if this is the proper tagging for the site.

That is for before or after set rules.
Because Worlds are not allowed to ban users from accessing the world.

Basically, if a user breaks a world rule labeled very clearly at the start and gets kicked from the instance for breaking it = Allowed.

If you host group events and they break the rule and they get banned them from the group = Allowed.

However if you then add them to a blocklist that prevents them from accessing the world or disrupts their experience in a completely different instance where they had not broken the rule = Prohibited, and the user can report you / the world for doing this under that guideline.

Basically moderation can only be applied at a per-instance basis or a per-group basis, but not a per-world one.