But we hope this helps to give you an overview of what to expect! Please keep in mind that this list is subject to change. This is a snapshot of the state of our roadmap in May 2024. Please visit Canny to see the latest information!
It also doesn’t include some previously announced features. We’d like to give you an update on those!
Udon UI
We’d still like to return to Udon UI, but our work on it is currently halted. Some of this is due to engineering challenges - but it’s also due to the difficulty of implementing it in a way that works well across all platforms.
So although Udon UI isn’t currently part of our roadmap, we’re still interested in releasing it in the future.
Steam Audio
Audio is difficult! And we’re working on Steam Audio. We expect that it might enter our public roadmap soon, but until then, we’re not comfortable with giving an estimated delivery date. Rest assured, we’re looking forward to it as much as you are.
Got questions?
Visit feedback.vrchat.com to be notified about status changes for any feature you upvoted or commented on.
Our bi-weekly dev updates are where we usually go in-depth about how these features work.
I’m VERY happy with this, especially, since you noted the ETA and linked to the Canny posts for details and revealed some status (like “we’re working on this” or “we’d planning to work”). I believe if we (VRChat dev and community) keep having the same interests for the future, that will greatly improve the situation of communication.
(I was a bit surprised you posted to the Canny for new items by yourself. That is tricky but a good way )
Great questions! Those are some of the topics that haven’t been roadmapped yet. But I hope that’s still helpful for you to know - to indicate that you shouldn’t wait for them with bated breath, so to speak.
I am confident we’ll implement all of these features! (At some point)
Haha, I was surprised we hadn’t done it sooner! Dev updates are nice and all - but often, when we respond to user feedback, it requires creating a feature that doesn’t exactly match any existing Canny.
I always enjoy receiving a surprise “In Progress” email about a feature I wanted!
We’d rather not share it just yet! It’s undergoing closed beta testing, and things might change before the public release. Persistence is simple to use, but it’s a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge feature with huge implications.
I hope you’ll enjoy the final release! It’ll be great!
Yes, that’s intentional! Those links lead to a private Canny board for Creator Economy sellers. (Thank you to our sellers for requesting those features!)
We announced these two Creator Economy features in a video 3 months ago, but that’s easy to lose track of. Sooo we included it in this roadmap anyway :P
If you have any feedback for the Creator Economy - we have a public feedback board for users, too!
Texture Streaming was said to be close to being solved, but it still doesn’t appear on the roadmap, is it because it’s a minor feature or is it still in the planning stage and not ready to be released this year?
Also can VRCConstraint be run before or after PhysBones? This would solve some of the problems, such as causing vibrations on WorldConstraint. (Or solve the problem so that Constraint on Avatar bones can be utilized more widely).