The game is loading too slow with cloudflare

Ever since I got my new computer VRChat hasn’t been working on the standard Ethernet settings. I’ve looked around on the Internet and they told me to use cloudflare warp. But whenever I go into VRChat it just says VRChat isn’t responding. Sometimes it does load the homeworld but no Avatars and I also can’t get into another world (It is constantly stuck at 0.00MB downloaded). My drivers are all on the latest version and everything else works fine. What can I do?

Hey, @Fried_Squid Have you check the following VRChat Help Desk? They got a list about it! By clicking the link > I’m experiencing slow download speeds – VRChat

Unfortunately this didn’t work but it seems to have been some faulty LAN Drivers of my Motherboard because I actually had the bright idea after 1.5 months to actually test it with my MoBo’s WiFi which works flawless. But thank you for the help anyway!
(If people are experiencing the same issue my current MoBo is the Gigabyte Eagle AX hope that helps)