Texture Quality setting in VRC Client

Many games have Texture Quality settings u can change from low to ultra quality, VR Chat has existed since what 2017? and they never added a change texture quality in the client? so all worlds are forced to use the highest texture quality regardless of the users choice,
why doesn’t this exist? performance overall would be improved if the user changes the quality setting to what they prefer instead of being forced to use max quality


I’m sure someone maybe chime in who knows more about this, but I would assume that this is because VRChat allows user content not every user would set up level of detail (LOD) for their worlds. Settings like texture quality probably rely on things like LOD.

But I have never designed games on unity just Avis and worlds so my comment above is just a guess.

LOD allows you to reduce the number of triangles rendered for an object as its distance from camera increases, this doesn’t speak textures,

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Oh ok, thank you for the knowledge. Well I’m at square 1 maybe someone from game Dev may answer this one.

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This is basically already happening.

They’re adding mipmap texture streaming support in Open Beta, which has been enforced and required for uploads for a while now.

This allows the quality of textures to be automatically reduced to keep textures within VRAM limits.

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More or less apply to worlds as well? as that is the main in my opinion source of VRAM hitting

It applies both to worlds and avatars.

Worlds are allowed to set texture priorities though, avatars cannot and will always use the same priority.
Realistically it’d only make sense for a world creator to set priorities on important textures, like anything with text so it remains readable.

haven’t heard anything of that mipmap texture streaming yet in the client, to override many worlds/avatars mipmap textures

It’s available right now in the Open Beta.

If you’re in VRChat’s official discord you can read up on it in Open Beta announcements.

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searched through all the posts, even in the beta announcements, for mipmap texture, don’t see the option besides some people already commenting on it affecting avatars.

the standalone option (doesn’t exist) but from what i see its connected to the Quality preset, not a texture quality setting like seen in many games

It’s labeled in the announcements as mipmap streaming.

It also does not exist as an option, it’s enabled by default in the beta.

There is no option since it handles texture quality management automatically, the user does not need to set a quality level.

This is more efficient since it can use up a lot more of the VRAM until it needs to reduce the quality.

Hey guys, it’s finally pushed to live :smile_cat:

  • Mipmap streaming has been enabled.
    • This will dynamically load lower-resolution textures for Avatars and Worlds into VRAM as needed, meaning much more can be loaded before you start running into issues (stuttering, avatars failing to load, and hard crashes).
    • On Android and Quest, this budget is dynamically updated periodically based on your device’s available shared memory, which should considerably reduce crashes and ‘kicked to home’ events.
    • On PC, the budget is set once on load based on your GPU’s available VRAM, with a little wiggle room left for the OS.
    • On Avatars, “Mipmap Streaming Priority” is always treated as 0 (the value you set in the SDK is ignored). Whereas for Worlds, texture priority is left alone.
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You are correct in saying that many games use High Quality Textures.

However you’re looking at games Like COD and other 12 or less player Multiplayer games.

VRChat within its high player count is considered by a metric standard an MMO.

Most MMO’s including modarn MMO’s or games with High player counts will intentionally lower the Texture quality to either 2k or 1080p.

The reason for lower quality is due to the amount of VRam on your GPU Texture takes up.
And when you put 45 - 80+ people with 4k - 16k Textures in a room, Most people, Including those on High end PC’s will notice the peformance hit.

VRChat has reduced the Texture quality to 500MB which is still a decent amount, allowing for people to still use up-to 4k Texture but in a moderate amount.

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