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Honestly questioning what this means for Udon2 in the future.

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Way this is worded and played out sounds a lot like vrchat’s management doesn’t care for udon2 either, really sad end for merlin I don’t expect it to take that long for a new job to be found with all the work that has been done.

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This is genuinely upsetting and has been one of my worst fears in regards to VRChat for years, makes me worry for the future.

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We don’t know all the facts but given what we can read this is extremely troubling news. I don’t know if UdonSharp will be affected but it seems all too likely that it will. Similar events (laying off knowledgeable tech leads) have occurred at other products from other companies and they often work out poorly.

At this point I think we can only watch and listen to see if this is day everything went south for VRChat. :anguished:

It just all feels so helpless and pointless. The enshittification of social media keeps happening and we’re completely powerless to do anything about it.

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Wow. That’s… Unexpected. I guess we will get some information in due time. Thank you for sharing that.

I really hope VRChat at least makes some kind of statement on committing to Udon2’s continued development, with or without Merlin. Given the man himself has directly expressed these wishes I’d say it’s even more imperative that VRChat follow it through to public release.

Also on a side note, I agree this is a serious topic and should be allowed to be discussed regardless of the fact that the posts have been since taken down B U T

Saying stuff like this really doesn’t help, adds nothing to the discussion other than baiting an antagonistic response from VRChat to set up a smug and self-serving “I told you so!” type post in the future.


To inject some proper discussion into this thread, here’s some good insight into the topic overall:


Tell that to this user next time you see them:


Lets not get out for nothing. Thank you for pointing the topic out.
No need to get personal when this topic is very specific to that person’s relationship with their work.

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you made a whole long reply complaining because a random reaction image you posted got flagged as off topic. which honestly rightfully so because we don’t need reaction images clogging up threads when we have reply reactions right there.

I’d like to see discussion about VRChat suddenly terminating a key developer kept meaningful and not clogged up by complaints that some reaction image got removed cause it didn’t add anything productive to the conversation.


It was a criticism of how you started this thread, which I also agree is not productive and adds nothing to the discussion. I don’t know how “I fully anticipate this thread to be removed” adds absolutely anything other than as what JessicaOnMain said.

Plainly, it makes you sound like a bad-faith actor.

This is tu quoque, getting your behavior pointed out and explained to how it’s unproductive is not the same thing as what you did. You could’ve taken it in stride and not said anything about it in the first place, it is not a personal attack to get your reaction image flagged for being off-topic.
We’re adults here.


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