VRChat Pico 4 support

There are many other forums out there about this but surely it doesn’t hurt to ask again a few times heh.
Will there ever be a plan to port VRChat to the Pico series of headsets? Even if there’s not a current plan would it ever even have a chance of being ported sometime? It’s the one game I’d love to play standalone on Pico.
I’ve had both quests and just don’t like em. Well, I loved the Quest 1, but the poor thing can barely handle any worlds I throw at it. I’d love to see this game come to Pico, especially to test android builds of my avatars and worlds.

The other posts about this have all of the answers, so check them out when you have a chance

Every other forum has the same single post from Tupper that was made months ago.
I’m more asking if there has been any discussion in the team about making a plan to port it.

The OpenVR/OpenXR change is both inevitable and difficult. I read somewhere about a theory where in general users are willing to wait 6 months for something upcoming.

My armchair concern is that they might be ready in time for a pico 5…

You should ask about the pico 4 in this week’s dev thread. VRChat is somewhat PST aligned, so in the afternoon on Thursdays is when the new thread goes up.

Last week’s thread is still up, sure. But I think there is a certain value to asking such a question where the most amount of people will see you asking that question.