Hi there!
I’ve been looking forward to properly joining the VR chat community for years now, but the unavailability of the Meta Quest 2 and its lower IPD has really turned me off from buying it anytime soon. However, the Pico 4 just released in germany aswell, and it boasts much higher specs and a wider ipd range which falls closer in line with my own.
Since I know that many other german people are looking for ways to join the community, I would like to ask about a potential release of VR chat on the Pico 4. Is it something the devs have been discussing, as the Pico 4 is a direct competitor to the Quest 2, or is it not possible to port the game to that device?
I’d really like to know more, as I won’t be buying a headset until I know for sure that it’s available on there. Thanks for reading!
Yeah , I bought pico 4, and I wish Vr chat arrive to pico store… It’s good to play with Steam Vr, but I would like to play with Standalone …
I got a Pico 4 to replace my poor Quest 1 which barely could handle much anymore… I knew VRC wasn’t on Pico yet but I saw in other forums that the devs were aware of the headset’s existence. Not having a way to test my android builds of avatars and worlds has been killing me heh…
I hope we get a Pico version soon…
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