Not all bones are detected after adding the phys bone script (Bug or smthin?)

so, I was giving my avatar physics in her hair. for some reason, not all hair bones have physics (specifically the back hair). I also noticed that the bones that don’t work don’t have the capsule shape thing where the bone is

What’s the issue?

You want to give your physbones some radius

if you don’t, you won’t be able to interact with them, even if the physics is applied.

Hi, I noticed that this is a pretty old post but I figured out your issue!

I was having the same issue and even posted about it on here. Basically, the Phys Bones component doesn’t like bones with multiple children and will also ignore bones at the end of chains.
To fix the last bone not showing up, find “Endpoint position” and set the Y (or Z, if you exported your model along the Z axis) to a number that matches the length of your bone. (0.05 worked for me.)

If you want your root bone to be animated, or if you have a bone in a chain that splits into two, go to “Multi Child Type” and set it to “Average”. If, instead, the first bone in a chain isn’t being detected set Multi Child Type to “First”.

That should fix it!

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