My VR chat bio keeps changing to a different language whenever I press okay

my VR chat bio keeps changing to a different language whenever I press okay
Screenshot 2023-07-31 7.43.45 AM
Screenshot 2023-07-31 7.42.41 AM|690x229
Screenshot 2023-07-31 7.43.59 AM

That’s not a different language. That’s still your original bio but with punctuation removed and spaces randomly inserted/removed.

I don’t know why it’s doing that. Are you writing the bio in a separate app and copy-pasting it? Might be some weird text parsing bug.

Try inputting your bio without any emojis or square brackets and seeing what happens.

Clouds hit me

The idiotic censor fucks around until it sees a no no word like “shit”, replaces it and saves however the bio is messed up.

So clouds are not allowed to hit you, a single cloud sure.

I guess that means we also can’t be a fan of “90s hit music”