I wish you could choose a fallback avatar instead of seeing just a robot when hiding Avatars

When hiding avatars, they just turn into robots which I have a hard time relating to robots, but I tend to use it when people have very low performance avatars so I have less lag, or if they have giant avatars, or if looking at their avatar makes me feel uncomfortable.

I think it would be awesome if I could instead of having it be a robot, if I could choose a fallback avatar for them.


1.) just about every fallback avatar is very optimized so it would be better for performance

2.) it would possibly make people feel more comfortable viewing them as a different avatar.

3.) all Fallback avatars abide by TOS so you can’t frame someone for doing something they didn’t do by putting them in a random not fallback avatar


1.) you may forget that you set their avatar to a fallback so you may be looking at the wrong avatar.

2.) some people might be offended if they find out that you turned them into a rat or something.

3.) it may take a little more storage / memory for the system to remember not only that you want to hide their avatar, but also which avatar you want to replace it with.

Although there are the same amount of pros and cons, I think the pros outweigh the cons because

1.) Better performance / FPS generally = better experience

2.) I would feel much more comfortable talking to them with a different avatar than their current, or a robot.

I really really hope they add this as a feature!!!

I guess a lot of users don’t have fallbacks set?

Make a feature request on the Canny.
Here: https://feedback.vrchat.com/

A related post already: Show fallback avatars based on trust level | Voters | VRChat