How can i upload Fallback Avatar in Unity 2022.3.22f1? There's no option

I have my avatar as Good performance rank for Both PC and Quest also Good rank, how can i use it as fallback avatar?

I keep meaning to test this, but at one point the issue was having other avatars in the scene that don’t qualify as fallbacks

I finally found the Solution, first, you need a Minimum Performance Rank for both Quest & PC, which should be Good Rank or Excellent, Upload the first Windows Build for PC and then switch to Android for Quest Copy the Blueprint ID from the PC you just uploaded then paste it in Android build for Quest, lastly Switch to Windows Build again you will find in the VRChat SDK in the Builder This Avatar can use as fallback enable the check box then upload for PC it will take few seconds and you’re done!
I hope anyone who reads this, be successful and have a nice day always!