[Help] Invites not working at all


I’ve been playing this game for a while now(about 5 months) and throughout all of it, I’ve realised that I’ve never gotten invites. I looked into it but all people could tell me was to reinstall the game and delete any files on my computer.

I did that on both my headset and on my PC, then tried it when they were linked together, then tried it again just on my PC by deleting the files and reinstalling it, but none of those worked. I kinda think it has something to do with my account because I don’t see any of my friends have the same problem and the same problem persists on both my headset and PC even when they’re not even connected under the same game files(the only connection is the account).

Are there any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!

Do you have your status set to “do not disturb”? You can change that in the social menu > top left > edit status


I’ve made sure to always be on online or idle so that I can get invites, but I’ve never gotten them ever.

Heya, you are most likely experiencing this issue related to IPv6 connections:


To work around it until we have a proper fix out, you can follow these instructions to disable IPv6:


that worked! thank you so much, this has been an issue forever

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hello I can’t see none of my invites nor my friend requests is there anything I can do to fix it?

i also have the same problem. If i where to try and join a friend, it would put me in a world they where in at the time i logged on

you have to go on vrchat.com on your phone or computer login to your account go to message then at the top or bottom you see a icon that has a bell and says push turn that on i had same problem but when i hit push and refresh the page the push botton turns off for me and wont work i literally tried everything. and im still tryin to figure it out, my friends never have this problem…

anyone can help?

ye same here dose reinstalling work?

Hello im having a similar issues where i don’t receive invites unless i restart the same gos for friends as well

Same for me but I’m on a quest two and it’s happening all the time. I’ve uninstalled the game in always on blue and it never updates.

Do you have a solution for oculus.

I am also suffering the same problem

I started having this issue 2 weeks ago, tried to disable IPv6 but with no luck. Its ruins the game. Noted that this has been a issue for a bit, I hope vrc is able to come up with a fix.

Yeah that makes sense, I scrolled up and disabling ipv6 was a “temporary solution” from late 2021. Hopefully you turned ipv6 back on. Or that’ll be the fix to an issue in 5-10 years :wink: before your comment the last comment in this thread is December 2022.

on reddit and the bug tracker I think there is a more wide spread issue starting a few weeks ago. I haven’t had trouble joining friends, but I have seen popular worlds show zero population. Nobody on the planet is in blackcat okay there buddy…

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Is there another solution because I have been playing the game for two or three years and I cannot receive any invitation or add a friend, and I cannot find another solution to solve the problem? please help.

The person you’re replying to hasn’t posted on these forums for over a year. Jun 8th 2022 is the date of thier last post.

Cloudflare has a VPN of sorts, that may be worth a try,

But for a support answer from VRChat staff, best bet would be to talk to VRChat support


I’ve been having a similar issue with my Oculus Quest 2. I use it in standalone since I don’t have a PC that can run VRC. Whenever I load into VRChat, I can receive the invites of people who have been logged in online before me. But I am unable to see the invites and requests from those who loaded into VRC after me. I’ve been experiencing this issue for the last 4-5 months and don’t know what is going on.

Is there any way I can fix this issue or am I just screwed.

Is there a vr solution bc im always on green and i haven’t been able to get notifications