Does the invite bug still exist?

This isn’t an issue i’m per say having, but a mutual acquaintance is claiming that they aren’t receiving invites as of late. The last mention of anything even close to this seems to be dated back to 2020/2021 and was wondering if the issue still exists at all.

Thanks so much for any responses!

With the recent UI overhaul I can confirm that the invite bug is mostly relegated to the past.

It still occasionally bugs out with invites not giving a notification, but often when you close your menu and open it again it’s usually there.

I still have this problem on quest 2 on pc it’s mostly solved you just gotta disable ipv6

My experience has been, the most common cause for missing an invite or not seeing someone online is a VRC client version mismatch, for example, you are on beta, but they are not, or, their VRC is seriously out of date, but you are on current version. Usually, if everyone is on the same version, then there’s no problem with invites.

As an aside, my internet has been all ipv6 for years even though it can throw a ipv4 if requested. I don’t use a VPN, proxy, or third-party DNS stuff requiring ipv4, but as they say, everyone’s network/internet is different, so your milage may vary…

same. also status does nt update sometimes… they seeu off or orange when u actually comfig as green.