Developer Update - 8 September 2022

Have you guys thought of putting up an avatar searcher yet? I get that avatar worlds are a thing, but some authors don’t have worlds or don’t have certain avatars that are public in a world. It’s difficult to get your hands on something sometimes when people wear a public avatar from that author and won’t hand it over. It’s like- If it’s public then why do you care so much about handing it over?

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with the new menu will there be adv. graphics to put in low

I have been wanting portal placement since 2018, tytytytytytytytyty

That’s great! I like very much the new style and features of VRChat!

You should have done all of this sooner by the way, not when the whole community compleained.

Very nice, looking forward to logging on soon. Also, are there plans for an official Android VRC management app or (experimental, this is just a suggestion) a Cardboard VR port? Also, can we have an option to use other people’s fallback avatars and not just the default public ones?

How about being able to see statistics of avatars similar to worlds? I’d like to know how many people are using and have favorited my public avatars.

Allow world creators to ignore the setting but default to respecting the player setting.

What’s a world where you want to turn them off? Every time I’m in like dream home or black cat I forget to turn them on…

As much as I do want Avatar Search there’s something I and I’m sure most people in general want just as much if not more and that’s Avatar Encryption. Something to make avatar data more secure so it’s less likely and more difficult for rippers to rip avatars. I think this should be worked on and implemented before avatar search is even implemented. So Please VRChat Dev Team find a way to make user created content like avatars more secure and safe.

Maybe a dark theme for loading screen? for Tired eyes of partying? Kinda the old 2017 space relaxing one?

Also… instead of the Tips while waiting why not a shooting mini game or something to do meanwhile? I have seen the tips and recommendation lot and I would like to turn it off at some point.

Literally all of them. I have full body and there is almost no scenario in which I want to sit in a chair. Outside of worlds where you fly a ship or car or something so you need to sit to control it, there is never a time I want to be locked into a chair.

I noticed that the Focus options are gone from the camera. Is this only for the beta and they’ll be returning or are we losing the depth of field effect and the ability to do aperture adjustments on the stream camera?

OMG Thanks!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :blush: i also can’t wait for avatar search!!!

Please :smiley:

I’m surprised the Portal Placement isn’t tied to the controller the button is clicked on with, as a left handed person this is really weird to use as I’m forced to point and aim with the right hand.

Please have all the settings options in the “main” menu and keep the ones that might need an easier access in the quick one. It’s really not practical to have to check two different settings menu to find the proper option I want to change.
I noticed that a lot of options disappeared from the quick menu “settings” as well like the “disable fullbody” one for example.

I don’t know if it’s normal, but having a tab to “search worlds” when the option is already available in the “Worlds” tab is just adding more to the already too many tabs present to switch from in the main menu.

Another thing I noticed, the Bloom intensity option isn’t applied when changing worlds, you need to manually go back in the menu and change its value for it to work and be applied to the new world you just joined.

Outside of my earlier comment on focusing on improving avatar security so avatar ripping is less frequent and not as easy which I still think SHOULD be a major focus soon after this most recent update is finished. That aside I do have some suggestions as well.

While messing around with the new menus in beta I noticed there’s customization possibilities with your menu most locked behind VRC+. Which is fine cause in fact is an idea I had that could be done if you ever reworked VRChat+. Since in my opinion it really needs to be reworked and rebalanced so that’s where this suggestion of my comes in.

Firstly KEEP the customization possibilities behind VRC+ that’s completely reasonable. Maybe eventually expand on it a bit more where you can customize your menu completely or even your online profile on the website. It’s just something fun you could get if you support VRChat.

Secondly please balance the favorites from free to paid players. Just make the default 100 and then get a bonus 200 with favorites. An extra 50 favorites would have been fine if you didn’t also increase the paid favorites to make it even more unbalanced. I’m not saying this just cause I want even more favorites I’m saying this cause it feel like the difference between free and paid player in terms of how much you can save and favorite is unfair to free players.

Then you can keep things more balanced and fair going forward for both Paid and Free players. Just please for the love of this game and it’s community balance favorites and other future features. You guys are finally making good steps in the right direction for the game so continue to do so and work on making the game more secure and rework and balance VRchat+ so it’s more fair to free players.

Hi, I want to start off by saying that I am ecstatic to see such rapid growth and improvements.
I first played VRChat in September of 2017, and it warms my heart to look back and see just how far the game has come, hell; I remember when ranks were first introduced and allowed me to better control when my dying hardware would give out lol. I’m really loving how much longevity these updates bring to the game and I hope they come out how the team hopes they do.

Your game saved me!!!

VRChat seriously badly needs either emergency respawn and return home button in the action menu AND/OR they need to sandbox the entire UI so that it stops being unusable if you are moving too fast, too war away from world origin, or the world itself is broken in some way. This seems like a rather important feature.


The ui overall is a bit too cluttered and messy. Elements in the UI need more emphasis, grouping, spacing etc, to make it a more comfortable and easy experience for the average person, as well as being more accessible for the less able. I went into extensive detail in my canny here. Linking multiple other smaller issues under a mega-post.

Looking good but can i ask something please. It may be asked already and answered if yes I’m sorry.

Any plans to add more personal mirrors? I’m a dancer and recorder for YouTube with 11 point tracker system. It’s very hard for me to record without seeing what I’m doing behind me when I only have 1 personal mirror. I used 4 before .

Also any plans for camera settings so I can set up it’s moving around a circle? I could do it before.

Thanks if any of you read this. I loved recording videos but I can not do it anymore without these .

Thanks. Kind regards. FireBender