Developer Update - 20 April 2023

I wanted to ask about an old feature i asked before, especially after so many new things started production; I dont want it to be forgotten, please!
What is the current developer for avatar scaling?
The world parameters you mentioned before, how much did it got develop?

Free him. (1)

You can still use GogoLoco to scale. As for native, probably whenever they get around to world features that creators can decide if they want scaling the same as when theyset jump height and run speed, which has no ETA

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Can’t wait for groups+ going to be so useful

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Not sure i like the idea of hard banning people from Groups+ or Groups Public… Such a thing will get used to harass, discriminate and cancel people, which is not a weapon that is the best to give to the community, as it has a high chance to generate social drama/conflict — (groups have already been observed to engage in cancel culture, even from baseless rumours about people).
. . . I don’t think it’s a wise nor necessary feature. Just ban from group and make a normal Group Only instance if you don’t want certain outsiders.

There is a high chance of Groups+ becoming an extremely common/popular instance type due to it’s enhanced visibility and thematic filter, possibly used as much or more than Friends+, which means it’s prudent to be careful of how it’s implemented, and how much power is given to people. A better idea IMO is to let moderators with invite permissions in the group able to invite non-group members to a Group instance as if it were Invite+, allowing Group instances a little flexibility to counterbalance.

Letting group moderators kick and them having the 2 hour (or how ever long it is) instance ban like usual should be deterrent enough for problematic individuals.


Will group locations also get its own wing? You could also display active groups in the friends wing like others suggested. The main reason I haven’t used the group feature as much is because I was never able to see group instances at a glance to make me aware of them.

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I do world commissions for LGBT creators/communities, and I assure you that the discrimination is something that’s already happening, and this ban feature is something we’ve been asking for for a long time now to help combat it. These communities (at least all the ones I know of/make worlds for) would much rather have a safe ‘pseudo-public’ space for themselves without certain people, than the ability to go to any other group’s instance without fear of being banned there. Temporary ‘instance bans’ already exist in the form of in-world moderation tools - Group bans can have their own separate usage for the more obvious or repeat offenders.


Seems pretty based

Could we please change the group ban icon om the website from an icon that looks like cancel to an icon with a hammer on it to represent a ban button because I’m afraid a lot of people will accidentally ban someone they thought were just being denied

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that’s nice.

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Very nice! Are y’all planning on adding the ability to transfer group ownership?

I’d really want to still have an option to accept join requests in group instances. Otherwise I’m not sure I’ll use them for my group.

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I think we’ll see how it goes. I think effective discrimination would require a low amount of groups using the Groups Public, so my hope is that everyone will give it a go at some point. But even then, I think the group of people I hang out with, might just stick to Friends+ and Publics. We’ll see.

I wonder if we can drop portals to random Group Publics, or if membership is required.

Begone, rodent!

This is unfair to those of us who wear rodent avatars and aren’t trash people :stuck_out_tongue:

Any updates on the Mac version of VCC?

Is there any plans for group instances to have a world capacity selection when creating the group instance? For large groups that host events, being able to control how many players can join a world independently from what the world creator decided could be very beneficial. I know there is the new Queue System but this is still only based off the pre-set world capacity. Thanks! @tupper

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Group Locations on Social Menu?! Let’s freaking go!!! :weary: :ok_hand:

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Any chances of adding loading screens? so you’re able to pick the one you most like, as i showed in this Canny

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Please revert the timeout system, it shouldnt kick you to your home and stay forever.

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I actually really suggest using the VCC. It really helps to keep projects updated. Also, part of the update was to use VPM. So now instead of needing to import a ton of unity packages, you can just make a cookie cutter template with all your favorite packages, and they will be under “packages”, rather than mixed in with all your assets.

If a group is harassing, discriminating, or cancelling people with the use of the ban feature:

  1. The group should be reported
  2. The group was not worth joining in the first place

You could mute the user and block their avatar instead?
Would result in a grey robot instead of a diamond of course.

I’ve seen this come up occasionally, other allegedly players are cheating via the block system. If I block you, you can’t stop me from stealing gold or whatnot

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