Developer Update - 28 April 2023

Squish bones seems… interesting i suppose. I’d still like the option to have special physbone colliders for detecting particle collision messages.

Pretty sure they meant constraints as in restrictions.
…As many others, including myself discussed, having world-based restrictions of stuff like avatar scaling being built into the client is completely silly, because people can just swap avatars or use avatar-based rescalers, or playspace… So having a permission bool for scaling is pointless, when the only true solution is to check for distance between player camera and player origin with Udon systems (just make a prefab).

Talking about Udon UI brings up these concerns because it was said before that implementing stuff like flying and teleporting to friends, and avatar resizing, were going to be postponed until Udon UI was developed so that world creators could allow or disallow these functions internally.

Does this mean that it’s set up so that the system reacts to old SDK’s and emulating 2FA input when you have it disabled? Like if i log into an old SDK and have 2FA disabled, does it send me the email and ask for 2FA code (which would in this case by my email code)?

Continuing the discussion from Developer Update - 20 April 2023:

previous discussion

That doesn’t make any sense. Having a group ban is discriminatory by definition. I don’t care if you are a minority group, i’m talking about these groups discriminating against individuals they hear rumours about or something. Which happens all the time. I made no mention about LGBT or disabilities or anything of the sort. I’m talking about groups who’s admins decide that they ban someone for personal reasons (or excuses, or gossip), which happens all the time.

I actively discourage any systems that promote or make this behaviour easier. A single person harassing a big group isn’t discrimination, it’s just a single person being prejudiced. Discrimination is large group actions taken against smaller groups or individuals. So as i said, group banning is bad. Just let any members with instance moderation role or higher (including instance creator) ban–kick people from singular instances, not all instances hosted by said group forever until unbanned.