Developer Update - 28 April 2023

when they, or really any of us say world constraints it typically is a prefab VRLabs made to lock objects from avatar space to world space. But I’m curious as what the issues with World Constraints are aside from things related to Avatar Dynamics

If that’s the case, that’s not one of our supported features, so I’m not really sure what I can add!

It sounds like a feature request, though.

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The avatar scale feature.
You mentioned on a previous post it would only be done once “World/Instance rules” were finish and I barely see this ever get mentioned, only newer features while olds are left forgotten.

what does that have to do with World Constraints though?

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Wait, are we talking about world constraints (aka, objects on the avatar “falling off” and staying in the same place in the world) or avatar scaling? These are two different things.

I have no updates on avatar scaling. It’s getting worked on, but it’s lower priority than other things.

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Then i missinterpreted the last time I had a reply from you about this feature.
However, there were requests to make avatar scale a feature from people:
Avatar scale? | Voters | VRChat
And We mean dynamically Scale (Gogo Loco requires a reset and is static).

Squish bones seems… interesting i suppose. I’d still like the option to have special physbone colliders for detecting particle collision messages.

Pretty sure they meant constraints as in restrictions.
…As many others, including myself discussed, having world-based restrictions of stuff like avatar scaling being built into the client is completely silly, because people can just swap avatars or use avatar-based rescalers, or playspace… So having a permission bool for scaling is pointless, when the only true solution is to check for distance between player camera and player origin with Udon systems (just make a prefab).

Talking about Udon UI brings up these concerns because it was said before that implementing stuff like flying and teleporting to friends, and avatar resizing, were going to be postponed until Udon UI was developed so that world creators could allow or disallow these functions internally.

Does this mean that it’s set up so that the system reacts to old SDK’s and emulating 2FA input when you have it disabled? Like if i log into an old SDK and have 2FA disabled, does it send me the email and ask for 2FA code (which would in this case by my email code)?

Continuing the discussion from Developer Update - 20 April 2023:

previous discussion

That doesn’t make any sense. Having a group ban is discriminatory by definition. I don’t care if you are a minority group, i’m talking about these groups discriminating against individuals they hear rumours about or something. Which happens all the time. I made no mention about LGBT or disabilities or anything of the sort. I’m talking about groups who’s admins decide that they ban someone for personal reasons (or excuses, or gossip), which happens all the time.

I actively discourage any systems that promote or make this behaviour easier. A single person harassing a big group isn’t discrimination, it’s just a single person being prejudiced. Discrimination is large group actions taken against smaller groups or individuals. So as i said, group banning is bad. Just let any members with instance moderation role or higher (including instance creator) ban–kick people from singular instances, not all instances hosted by said group forever until unbanned.


tl;dr: if you are prompted for a code, we know which one we just asked you for, so we know which to compare it against.

Can you please move ongoing discussions like this to other threads? They aren’t relevant to the current Dev Update.

My confusion was that old SDK’s don’t know how to trigger the email, was that fixed?

why even have them expire?

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Why is this a low priority when the topic is still quite high on the requests page?
It may be a low priority, but other platforms like CVR and Neos have implemented.
You had the feature before!
900 people are asking for something simpler than putting VRchat on mobile, redesign physbones or Re work memory allocation performance.


That’s not quite how things work. It’s better to think of it as our server looking at your login and then saying “nah, you need to do the extra token”.

So that arguments don’t dominate threads about our ongoing updates. Please argue elsewhere.

The number of requests for a feature, if other platforms have it or not, etc are not the only factors that affect when a feature or fix gets resources allocated. I’d encourage you to watch Jace’s video on this subject. He’s the Satisfactory CM, and puts it in a very understandable way.


It’s not arguing? It’s discussion on a feature that was being implemented, and the implications of which are important to the community if said feature is implemented.

I worded that poorly, meant to say that the serverside didn’t respond properly to old sdk’s, and are they using the 2fa as a legacy system support now.

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Let’s call it “disagreements”, then. Please make a new thread for it, elsewhere. :sweat_smile:

I don’t know how else to say it nicely, so please don’t make me say it in a not-nice way.

Regardless of how you want to understand it, the key here is that it works now… :upside_down_face:

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I will stop now, i believe there has been an escalation already.
After watching the video, all i wanted to say is that i never wanted “avatar scaling” now. My intention was just to know more about it, and its current pipeline since all we(900) have is just the “not priority” since the last time i asked(august 22).
The final part of the video i loved 17:40-18:50.
I will keep waiting for future updates and enjoy the newer features, TY tupper

Isn’t discussion on pros and cons of coming features kind of the point?? If not it very much should be. It’d help you understand what the community thinks about the direction development is going. The more voices, the wider the sample size. There’s hundreds of thousands of players, not everyone is in proximity to a developer to have a conversation about a topic, so this is a great place to leave comments and thoughts.

I wouldn’t comment unless there was a relevant point to be made that has some value in being heard (or clarify miscommunication). I had no intention to “simply argue” with an individual (i hate arguing). I also try to forward conclusions made from mutual discussions with many others, as well as continuous observations, so i bring representative info too.

I’ll leave it at that though.

If you mean that the old SDK’s can now trigger the emails, which can be used, then that’s all i wanted to know lol. Previously they never even sent the email from what i remember. The wording in the post wasn’t very explicit.

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You’re welcome! Sorry to just kind of cold-link that video to you, and thank you for watching it.

I hope my response didn’t offend you. I want to help you understand how development works. We very often want these same things you do, but it’s all about triage and resource allocation…

We’ll get avatar scaling to you as soon as possible, but it may take some time.


All are very great changes! However, I still have a question. Is the Quest 2 Finger Tracking still be worked on? (For it to be used through link cable or wirelessly for PC Mode and not Quest Standalone)

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with regards to guided mode and A/B testing, i understand that users won’t be informed of future a/b tests and you’ll be looking for feedback at those times, but with guided mode being specifically for new users only it does mean that the usual friend onboarding process may be disrupted

when i and others are helping people who are new to vrchat, we rely on being able to guide them through the menus which means we need to be able to see what they see. if the only option for us to help them is to say “exit guided mode” it will poison the data and lend an impression that less people want that mode than may be the case

also might be helpful to know who “new” users are in context here so we can be aware of what they’ll be seeing first. is “new” based on a certain number of play hours, user rank (visitor and new?), time since last log in (someone who last saw the UI one or two revisions ago?), or some other factor?

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The number of people that receive assistance like this is veeeery small when compared to those that don’t, so no, we’re not worried about this.

No updates on this at the moment.

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lmao sounds about right.
weirdly enough though, i did have a strange bug with the SDK a year or so ago where sometimes the SDK just wouldn’t enforce the limit whatsoever when I uploaded and it meant a quest user would have to clone my avatar before being able to see me using it (to force their client to download it). Is this still an issue?