Creator companion crashes

hi everytime i open cc it just crashes. idk if my logs would show any sensative into but can someone help?

[ERR] Creator Companion crashed: An item with the same key has already been added" thats part of the code tho

This error usually occurs when there’s an attempt to add a duplicate key to a structure (like a dictionary or map) that expects unique keys. If you’re encountering this in your code, here are a few steps you can try to resolve it:

  1. Review Your Keys:
    Carefully check the sections of your code where keys are added to dictionaries or similar data structures. Ensure that every key is unique and not being inadvertently reused.

  2. Examine Loops or Initialization:
    If keys are being generated within a loop or as part of an initialization process, double-check to make sure duplicates aren’t being introduced by mistake.

  3. Implement Logging:
    Consider logging or printing the keys as they are added. This will help you identify if and where duplicates are sneaking in.

  4. Clear Cached Data (if applicable):
    If the issue persists after restarting, try clearing cached data or reinstalling the Creator Companion to eliminate any lingering problems.

I hope these suggestions point you in the right direction!

Unfortunately, I can’t assist further beyond this, but I wish you the best of luck in resolving the issue.

Warm regards,