Can't select from menus because they scroll back to the top

When running VRChat on Steam, menus scroll back to the top when trying to make a selection. I can scroll down in, let’s say my Worlds1 menu, to find a certain world, but when I try to point to it and select it, the menu scrolls back to the top instead. I have tested this with both my Quest 3 connecting to my PC via Virtual Desktop and with my Bigscreen Beyond that connects directly to the PC. However, when I run VRChat on my Quest 3 instead of on my PC, menus work correctly.

Is there a fix for this? Is this the same for everyone?

I am also having this problem with my Quest 2 connected to Steam VR via Meta Quest Link. As Xantheus says, when I run VRC directly on my Quest, I don’t have this issue.

It looks like whatever menu my cursor is over gets constantly scrolled up. I can scroll down by grabbing the scroll bar, but when I let go it just scrolls back up again. Additionally, I cannot scroll with the sticks at all.

I’ve confirmed the calibration of my sticks in the Steam VR Settings menu. They’re properly centered and waggle around appropriately.

I’ve validated all the Steam VR files successfully. Nothing was amiss.

I’ve restarted my Quest 2. That did not solve the issue.

I’ve discovered that I can get the menu to not scroll back up if I use the following trick. I scroll with the scroll bar, but instead of letting go of the trigger, I simply move my cursor off the menu. The menu will remain in that position until I mouse over it again.

I should specify that while I’m using cursor and mouse terminology for this, I am referring to interacting with the Oculus touch controllers. There simply isn’t good terminology established for the beam thing that projects out from the controllers for interacting with menus.