Since April, I’ve been having this weird audio bug that gradually appear after 30 minutes then takes full effect after an hour, the first symptom of this is usually appearing laggy when I move (FBT) and people counting my frames, after 50~ minutes my mic stops working to other and other can’t hear me and to me they start cutting out, after an hour I fully cannot hear anyone anymore.
Although this can easily be fixed with a rejoin of the instance, it’s super annoying.
I do have suspicions it’s network related but my connection is perfectly fine, I have tried reinstalling VRChat, Restarting PC, Last thing I want to do is reset my PC.
Appearing laggy and having sound gradually cut out to others but I can see people fine after an hour
Almost certainly network related, but that is a wild bug. Do you have output logs where you can point out timestamps when you first noticed the issue, etc?
It could also be useful for you to look at your network debug stats, but you’d need to enable the debug GUI via a launch option first.
Yep. Where am I supposed to put the log?
And, what am I supposed to be looking for in the network debug stats?
I put them in google drive for ease of access.
Yes, I reinstalled windows and nothing changed. Check the google drive.
Please respond. the support is shittier then artesian builds.
We don’t typically provide support through this forum!
Please contact our Support team at and link back to this thread, they’ll be able to continue to assist.
For what its worth, your log is absolutely spammed with “cannot play a disabled audio source”. I suspect that your avatar has some animation that’s not made very well and its causing weird issues by spamming attempts to play a disabled audio source, which might eat up some internal Unity resource.
Can you try using one of the default avatars for a bit and see if that fixes the issue?
It might aswell be physbones, but I will try that option, and it’s hard to contact your support when they contact me about my game being modded then I provide vanilla game output logs then radio silence.
I’ll try switching it to dynamic bones for a bit
When I get my computer repaired