Not quite too sure how to explain it, its hard to include pictures because it isnt an issue in Unity itself. My world will look completely fine in the unity project but for some reason, when I load up the world in vr the meshes are clipping through each other, almost in a static-y kind of way causing the meshes to flicker. Any help or redirect would be greatly appreciated.
Are you testing in vr on quest or PCVR? I believe the floating point numbers work different on the two platforms
Also another thing to consider with how you are testing is to whip out a camera. In VR z clashing is more noticeable due to slight head movements. So without the slight head movements you might not notice the clashing.
I don’t know exactly what you’re doing, but basically you want to avoid objects being in the same position as there might be a precision caused quirk in rendering.
I have some cubes and to make them not peek through the floor, I made the collider like 1.01 instead of 1. Might be 1.02 it’s been awhile since I touched that.
Hi sorry, wont lie I was exhausted when I posted this and it fully slipped my mind so apologies for the late reply! I can try to take a photo of it next time I get on vr and show what the issue is, theres no meshes clipping with each other or clashing at least from my knowledge.
Sorry to ask especially if the answer is obvious, (Ive only ever really worked with avatars haha) but for the collider what would that do to help?
Don’t worry about it. For my test world I have a bunch of cubes that are pickups and I had to adjust the collider slightly so that the cube bottom wouldn’t clash with the floor…
I’m curious what your problem looks like so I’ll just wait for you to post an image of the issue.
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