VCC Failed to install Unity editor

Hello there, ive been trying to get VCC to install the recommended unity version, 2022.3.6f1 and when i click on the install button i end up getting a unknown error. Im not quite sure what to do to try and fix this error. ive restarted multiple times, ive reinstalled VCC multiple times, Please help…

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i had this issue earlier today
make sure you have unity hub installed and fully up to date

so you need to have the hub installed in order to do it? what about a license? is that needed as well?

Under the hood the creator companion is just asking unity hub for things, so if the hub wants a license, they are free.

yes unity hub is needed to install unity editor versions

Well that’s unfortunate to me. I would never install Unity Hub on my systems again because there’s no way to disable autostarting at logon. WHY

open task manager >
start up tab
left click unity hub or any startup app you dont like click disable