Hello there all, I’ve run into an issue when Building and Publishing avatars I’ve downloaded. Upon opening scenes associated with said avatar and moving onto to building and testing it, it’s saying “you must fix the issues listed above.” Which normally would be fine, but for some reason, when using the most recent version of the SDK, my Validations pannel on the builder section of the control panel is completely blank.
I have noticed this, for me this happens rarely I just select the Authenticate tab then go back to the builder tab and it all appears. I also have the inspector go blank sometimes, I have to select a different object then the one I want and it all comes back.
I’ve gotten a blank section there because of a missing animator on the avatar root. Object that has the descriptor should also have an animator, with an assigned “avatar”. A unity avatar is assignment of bones, like the Hip bone is named Hips kinda deal
So if it’s not that see if the console has anything interesting to say.