Hi! PCVR user here. Any and all video players have stopped working for me for some reason about three weeks ago. It’s really annoying. Can’t watch movies, don’t get background music in half of the worlds… and I am out of ideas.
Reinstalled GPU drivers, rolled them back, restarted router, gotten a different yt-dlp.exe from a friend, cleared entire AppData VRC folder, reinstalled VRC, checked certificates, done changes in GPU settings, reinstalled VSC++ 2010, and yet it just refuses to function.
I run a ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1070, Windows 10 64-bit. I’m attaching a log of me joining YTS 2.1 and attempting to load a link, unsuccessfully. Please help.
Fixed! The issue was the firewall. Disabling it made it finally work, and then adding yt-dlp.exe in VRChat’s appdata into the exceptions allowing both private and public connections.
Yea, VRChat is a mess in these kind of technical issues.
Avis not loading, invite/friend/other messages not pushing/toasting properly (only noticing them via VRCX, an external application for this bloody matter), voice audio system not loading (especially in pool parlor, cannot hear anyone), streams not showing up at all (ASL training worlds and club orion), and even more.
These issues being here for god knows how long (started in 2018). Nothing got better, even the opposite. I suspect that most of this issues could be solved if VRC would pull their head outta their … and remove the useless anti-cheat (EAC) from the client. That also causes lots of Kernel-BSOD with PC and also PCVR users.
Stuff like Clearing cache won’t do anything, if knowing a bit of IT. Saved data has nothing to do with temporarily streamed and RAM cached files …
“Disable IPv6” does nothing. “Use tunnelers like Cloudflare Turbo”, does nothing ← those are OFFICIAL suggestions by VRChat itself, and yet they don’t work, which obviously shows that they do not even know how to fix those issues by themselves.
They are suggesting to “fix” the youtube videoerror code by disabling V-Sync on your driver’s setting … that has nothing to do with vertical synchronisation. It is all about data tunneling.
So … either VRC hires proper netcoders, or these things will remain and will stay here forever.
Won’t solve every problem for all time, but I have been thanked for suggesting cloudflare Warp by a few people
They haven’t been verifying integrity or checksum of cached files. Personally on PC I have yet to clear cache, but if a quest user says clearing cache helps, I have no reason to question it.
Pool parlor is weird, has two voice zones, managed to sit between them once.
hello i got the same issue nothing works with video player im so tired of trying everything and it doesnt work please help here my user to communicate discord: teddybear6218
Sorry for responding to an older post here, but has anyone ever found a solution to this issue? i have tried several things but nothing worked.
this has been a thing for 2 months now maybe even more :/