Toggles keep resetting

Whenever I use an avatar I uploaded myself, the toggles don’t save when I switch worlds/avatars. I’ve gone in the creator companion and looked at the parameters, and everything is checked “saved”. How can I fix this?

Like here, I’ll have everything saved. Then in game, I’ll toggle whatever on and off, switch to another avatar, switch back, and whatever I toggled resets.

I’ve done this already, it didn’t fix anything for me unfortunately :/

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I’m using 2022.3.22f1, this is off of a fresh install too

This is false; do NOT use Unity 2019, VRChat is currently on Unity 2022.3.f1 as stated here: Current Unity Version | VRChat Creation


What Jess said!!!

Telling someone to use 2019 is handicapping them as many needed plugins for Unity no longer work and it’s only a matter of time before the SDK itself will only allow uploads from 2022 and all 2019 uploads will be blocked.

That’s nice that you specifically have had issues but telling others to downgrade because of them is not how you handle things.

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What does A3C stand for?

I’m just thinking there are two places you can have problems with toggles not saving properly.

  1. those parameters
  2. in animators you can use a VRC parameter driver

In game you can show parameters with a debug tab.

Ohhhhh, make sure you’re using an avatar that is actually uploaded to VRC. if its in the Other category due to Build and Test, those avatars are local only and do not save settings locally, for a good reason, and also because there is no avatar ID assigned to them.