Spout plugin for Mac?

Hello so im getting back into making vr chat content and have came across an issue that I did not have until the Spout update on vr chat. So my issue is is that I play that game from my windows PC and stream the screen from my windows pc to my Mac and stream that to twitch and whatever else before it worked now not so much. After this update the stream camera appears but the pov is still in my face instead of the cam when it gets sent to the Mac for me due to it seems the spout plugin not being available from Mac at least by what I can tell.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on where I can possibly find a version of this plugin that is Mac compatible so that I can finally begin creating videos and live streaming again final graduated with my bachelors in digital cinematography and am looking forward to making content again asap.

I suck at explaining but can try to go more in-depth if needed.

I’ll have to double-check but I thought you just need to not turn spout on for the stream camera to operate as before.

How are you transmitting video between the computers? Like what program or technology?

Spout is a local only thing, so while there might be spout for macos, it won’t get streams from outside the local PC

That’s how I did it in the past during the first week or so when that spout feature got implemented but now even if I don’t turn it on it still doesn’t work correctly and I only see my First Person POV. Honestly I just used to use steam to cast it to my Mac and I would use that as the source for OBS with no issues.

I did some more research last night and came across teleport plugin through obs so im going to try to use that to send the footage to my Mac and hope im getting the right camera. I have noticed it lags behind a bit doing it this way on my initial testing but if it works it’s better than nothing. If you or anyone else has any other suggestions that would be better let me im know still getting used to the whole duel pc / Mac set up.