[Solution] No sound and/or mic in VRChat

For anyone who’s experiencing issues such as your microphone not showing up (The only option being “Default - None”) or VRChat’s in-game sound not working, here’s a potential solution:

  1. Go to the Windows Search Bar, then type in “Services” and open it.
  2. Scroll down until you find “Windows Audio Endpoint Builder”
  3. Right-click that and hit “restart”. (It’ll also restart “Windows Audio”, just proceed as it’s nothing crucial)

I hope this’ll fix the issue, and please let me know if you have any questions or if it didn’t work.


Thanks this has helped a lot


This sadly didn’t help me at all : ( I after restarting the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder and even restarting my computer it still only has the option as Default - None. I worked at it for hours looking up different fixes and nothing worked : (

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Worked for me thanks a lot

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Thank you it fixed it for me

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same here

I’ve been having output issues for VRC for almost a month now.

Nothing works

this issue is still prevalent even today =( I am the next victim

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Another solution is on vr chat mic settings. Turn mic threshold down to 3% and should work now.

Did you turn your threshold down to 3% mic settings.