I merged my oculus account with my new account and all my avatars are gone
What do you mean with “All my avatars are gone”?? Your favorite avatars? Your own avatars you made?
I meant my favorite avatars but it just took awhile for them To show up I have them now
You always need to give it some time, database changes is usually something that can take some time, depending how VRChat manage that migration, what api use or db framework.
And just to be clear, a “merged” account, is just a VRChat account. Un"merged" Steam/Oculus accounts are just trial accounts, the only thing left from them after a “merge” is a key that allows those accounts to login to the VRChat account, aside from that there is no difference between a VRChat account and one that was “merged”.
You can “merge” both a Oculus and Steam account into the same VRChat account, but to my knowledge only the first one “merged” has any data transferred, the other one’s data is just deleted.