How to replace hair?

I’m very new to using unity and customizing/editing avatars for VRChat. I have recently bought two different avatars that use the same model as each other. The issue I’m having is that I want to use the hair on my newer avatar that was originally from the older one, the hair is attached via the entire head, face, eyes, ears, and tail. When I try and move only the hair, it moves everything else with it. I’ve figured out that selecting hair.root allows you to move only the hair but the hair is still bound to the other avatar, so when I go to set up the hair, and attach it to the new avatar, I go to delete the older avatar that I took the hair from and it deletes the hair with it as well. I just want to know if it’s possible to simply disconnect the hair from the old avatar completely so I can then attach it to the new avatar and delete the old avatar out of the world without the hair being removed.