I need the help with the grab my hair ,tail it s broken

I would have needed a little help with VRchat which is broken with the updates to the physbones, I can no longer catch my ears, my tail and my hair i need your help thank you so much

I would say it’s most likely that there is a setting that is blocking that and not a bug from the game. Does this happend on all avatars, is this an avatar that you uploaded yourself ?

This happens on all my avatars. Before the updates it worked very well.

Does this happen trying to grab other avatars too?

I had this “issue” after the recent updates, only to finally realize they changed how grabbing worked for my Vive controllers. To grab, you have to only pull your triggers partially, not all the way. Pulling them all the way seems to just trigger set pose. Not very intuitive imo, kinda annoying.

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